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ephemd <perturbers> <objects> <observers> [options] [command]


This is a simple, small and lightweight command-line driven ephemerides service for retrieving astrometrical information of small Solar System objects (SSOs).


General options:

-h, --help
Gives general summary about the command line options.
--long-help, --help-long
Gives a detailed list of command line options.
--wiki-help, --help-wiki, --mediawiki-help, --help-mediawiki
Gives a detailed list of command line options in Mediawiki format.
Gives some version information about the program.
Be more verbose during startup of ephemd.
Be more quiet during startup of ephemd.
-i, --stdio
Instead of running in server mode, ephemd reads commands from and writes output to standard input and output, respectively.
-p, --port <port>
TCP/IP port in which ephemd listens for incoming connections. Default port is 9137.
-c, --command <command> ...
Executes the command <command> ... immediately after launching and loading ephemd data. Note that the <command> ... lasts up to the end of the command line, so one has to ensure that this option is the last which is passed to ephemd.

Parameters and regarding to orbital mechanics:

-f, --planet-file, --planet-files <ephem_file> [<...>]
List of input ephemerides of planets that acts as a perturber in the Solar System. The list of files lasts up to the next command line argument (starting with a dash or double dash) or up to the end of the command line. Hence, one may safely use wildcard patterns in order to specify multiple perturbes simultaneously.
-b, --observer-file, --observer-files <ephem_file> [<...>]
List of input ephemerides of observers. The list of files lasts up to the next command line argument (starting with a dash or double dash) or up to the end of the command line. Hence, one may safely use wildcard patterns in order to specify multiple observers simultaneously.
-j, --object-file <file>
Pre-formatted orbital elements of small Solar System objects. See also README and the script ./scripts/ in the ephemd source package for more details about the format.

Available commands:

quit, exit, close
Terminates the connection (server/client mode) or the program itself (in stdio mode).
A brief summary about `ephemd` status.
list observers
Lists the available observers.
set observer <name>
Sets the observer to <name>.
get observer
Prints the name of the currently set observer.
ephem <name> <time>
Generates ephemerides for the object with <name> for the instance or interval defined by <time>. The <name> is taken from the input object file and by default (see `make prepare`) these are either the MPC designation numbers or the MPC temporal names. Official MPC names are not supported now. For instance, use `ephem 1234 ...` instead of `ephem Elyna ...`. The <time> is either a Julian Day instance or can have the format of <JD_start>:<step>:<JD_end> to generate a series of ephemerides. <JD_start>:<JD_end> is equivalent to <JD_start>:1.000:<JD_end>.
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