Basic information about the images or other FITS data, pixel statisitics.
Conversion of FITS images to more easily presentable formats.
Querying and modification of FITS header keywords.
Calibration of raw images, including the masking of bad, saturated or otherwise unuseable pixels.
Arithmetic operations on images, both on per-image and per-pixel basis.
Combination of multiple images into a single one.
Generic spatial geometric transformations of images (shifting, dilating, shrinking, clipping, higher order polynomial transformations, ...), including the registration of images to the same reference frame.
Generation of artificial images.
Detection and characterization of stellar profiles.
Coordinate list manipulation (fit and evaluation of geometric transformations, point matching, pair matching, matching by identifiers, ...)
Photometry (aperture, image subtraction, analytic profile modelling, PSF and various other sophisticated combinations of these).
Regression analysis and general numeric data manipulation.
Tasks are optimized for shell-level parallel processing.