The purpose of this program is to combine the input images (with the same sizes) to a single image. This combination refers to a kind of ``averaging for the images, however, other modes are also available.
General options:
Gives general summary about the command line options.
Gives a detailed list of command line options.
Gives some version information about the program.
-o,--output <fits>
The name of the output file (omitting or specifing '-' yields the output to be written to stdout).
--data <spec>
Output pixel data format specification.
-b,--bitpix <bitpix>
Standard FITS output bitpix value.
-M,--input-mask <fits>
Input mask file to co-add to output image.
Generic combination specification:
-m,--mode <mode>
Use the specified mode to combine images.
Ignore (i.e. mask) pixels with negative values.
Use logical ``or combination between masks.
Use logical ``and combination between masks.
Combination modes (a comma-separated list of these should follow -m|--mode):