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Register as a new user:

Real name:*
Login*: (e.g. given name initials + family name)
E-mail*: (must be a valid email address)
A short passphrase**:
Public e-mail for registered users:
Subscribe to e-mail newsletter:
Timeout/expiration for e-mail: minutes(increase if delayes in mail delivery are expected)

*Fields marked with * are mandatory.
**For a new registration, you should give a short (at least, 10 characters long) passphrase that is asked again when you proceed to the web address that will be sent you via e-mail. This passphrase is not your new password. You will have to specify it only once; before you are prompted for the password of your newly created login account.

The e-mail addresses of the registered users won't be public to visitors. Also, even registered users can only see the e-mail address if the above option (public e-mail for registered users) is checked.