Providing basic information about the images or other FITS data, pixel statistics.
Conversion of FITS images to more easily presentable formats.
Querying and modification of FITS header keywords.
Calibration of raw images, including the masking of bad, saturated or otherwise unuseable pixels.
Arithmetic operations on images, both on per-image and per-pixel basis.
Combination of multiple images into a single one.
Generic spatial geometric transformations of images (shifting, dilating, shrinking, clipping, higher order polynomial transformations, ...), including the registration of images to the same reference frame.
Generation of artificial images.
Detection and characterization of stellar profiles.
Coordinate list manipulation (fit and evaluation of geometric transformations, point matching, pair matching, cross-matching of catalogues and source lists, matching by identifiers, ...)
Instrumental photometry (aperture, image subtraction, analytic profile modelling, point-spread functions and various other sophisticated combinations of these).
Regression analysis and general numeric data manipulation.
The tasks are optimized for shell-level parallel processing.
Fitting optimal convolution transformation between a reference image and an input image.
Application of existing convolution transformation on a reference image.
Performing image subtraction using a reference image and an input image either by knowing the convolution transformation in advance or by fitting the optimal one during the process.
Management of so-called kernel files describing these convolution transformations.
Reporting a brief or a detailed summary about a FITS file, including primary image and various extensions (such as additional images, binary tables or textual tables).
Extracting raw information from FITS files, including dumping of image pixel data, mask bits, binary table data and textual table data.
Conversion of FITS images to PNM (PPM, PGM) format using
various scaling functions, such as linear, logarithmic, squared, square root, etc.,
scale limit determinations, such as minimum, maximum values, zscale, histrogram normalization, values derived from cumulative pixel intensity distributions, etc., and
various color palettes, including grey-scale, color, custom defined color as well as 8-bit and 16-bit dynamics.
Extracting simple pixel statistics from FITS image files.
Performing aperture photometry on subtracted images by considering the information related to image convolution (if it has been applied in advance).
Determination of background level using the classic ways (considering pixels in annuli around the targets) as well as treating the background to be known in advance.
Support for arbitrary-shaped apertures using polygonal approximations by involving arbitrary number of boundary segments.
Conversion of fluxes to magnitudes.
Computation of flux and/or magnitude uncertainties by involving as many noise sources as possible (mainly background noise and photon noise).
Computation shape centroid coordinates and shape parameters, refinement of centroid coordinates.
Computation of the respective uncertainties of centroid coordinates and shape parameters by involving as many noise sources as possible.
Fitting and adjusting of large-scale flux variations on subtracted images considering a dependence on the coordinates and intrinsic colors in a form of arbitrary-order polynomials.
Treatment of nearby sources by removing them from the background determination.
Flagging the sources using the constraints defined by the masks associated to the FITS images.